Imaginarium Con

Pleased to share our short film THOSE LITTLE MONSTERS will screen at the Imaginarium Film Festival as a part of the...

Sustainable Filmmaking

An article I wrote about sustainable filmmaking‬ featuring Keith Del Principe & bekky O’Neil in Hollywood North Magazine. Feel free to check it out:...

Award Winner

Thanks to L.A. Neo Noir Novel, Film, & Script Festival for giving our short film THOSE LITTLE MONSTERS a bronze award....

OVFF Selection

We are pleased to announce that our short film‬ “Those Little Monsters” has been selected to screen at The Other Venice...

Skeleton Man Heart Gift

My short story, SKELETON MAN HEART GIFT, is a March 2016 Winner of the 140 Character Short Story Festival at WILDSOUND...

Twitter Short Story

My short story, SKELETON MAN HEART GIFT, is a March 2016 Winner of the 140 Character Short Story Festival at WILDSOUND WRITING...

Screenwriting Class!

For those interested, I will be teaching monthly online screenwriting workshops at The Doctor T. J. Eckleburg Review, a literary...

Hard Case Premiere

It all began with our “Murder in Swan Pond” web series. Now, new “Hard Case” episodes are out featuring Rick...

Hard Case: Murder in Swan Pond

Check out the three-part webseries I co-produced and co-wrote, Hard Case: Murder in Swan Pond.        

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